EMA Parternship

MTFJ is proud to partner with the Employers & Manufacturers Association to support employers across Aotearoa to be great youth employers. 

Our partnership provides free Employer Support for 12 months to businesses who employ through our Rural Community Resilience programme. 

This support includes

  • One-on-one consultancy service  
  • Unlimited access to the EMA AdviceLine 
  • Over 150 comprehensive online guides, resources and webinars 
  • E-learning modules  

Examples of the EMA live video format can be viewed below:

Employment Agreements - https://vimeo.com/774889718/048fc170af

Restructures and Redundancies - https://vimeo.com/778304808/164e08b2d5

Workplace Complaints - https://vimeo.com/778304501/b2c3e2be94

The Holidays Act - https://vimeo.com/773599345/0b5d9f783e


The EMA have also developed a series of live webinars, free to all, that focus on the three pillars of good youth employment - recruitment, onboarding, and retention of high-risk employees.  

With Millennials now the majority generation in the New Zealand workforce, it's important to know how to ensure success in their recruitment. 

In the first webinar, leading HR & H&S Consultant Lisa Oakley walks us, step by step through the most critical areas to be mindful of:

•   How to attract young people with the right messaging
•   Interview questions that will help you see the potential
•   How to avoid bias 
•  Understand why employing young people is good for business

You can watch the recording here:


In our second webinar, Lisa is joined by Channel Manager, Lyndsay Jobin, to discuss the needs, expectations, and capabilities of younger employees, and learn the key elements of the end-to-end process of employing them. Here's a sneak peek of what you can expect:

  • Gain insight into why employing young people is good for your business when managed effectively
  • Learn the dos and don'ts of onboarding a young person and how to communicate with them to ensure safety and productivity at work
  • Manage your team's expectations to keep them engaged and supportive

The EMA was established in 1886 to help provincial employers navigate employee relations. EMA is part of a nationwide network that includes BusinessNZ, Business Central, Canterbury Employers’ Chamber of Commerce and Business South. Together they support businesses through advice, learning and advocacy to create an environment where businesses across all sectors and industries can grow.

If you'd like to take advantage of Employer Support contact info@mtfj.co.nz to find out more.